During the pandemic, cafés couldn’t connect with their bar regulars anymore. We challenged ourselves to bring a positive and hopeful memory into the homes of the regulars while supporting the loyal bar owners. How can we start the conversation about the need for (local) community in a time
of loneliness?
By looking for the most iconic spots in the cafes, we want to create a certain recognisability. To make the scene even more dramatic, we opted for a dark atmosphere with a small spotlight on the half-full beer. The last bright spot on the horizon, we remain hopeful.
For the café owners to be able to sell without physical contact, we’ve set up a project website with a webshop. Supported by clean, yet smokey campaign tools we helped the bar owners to reach out to their peers. The project was mentioned in several Dutch newspapers and media outlets such as Het Parool and NRC.
Concept & ideation Studio FFF Amsterdam
Photography Studio FFF Amsterdam
Production Lizzy van der Hulst
Design Studio FFF Amsterdam
Cafes that participated:
Pollux, Cafe 't Lommertje, De Ceuvel, Cafe Bouwman, Eddy Bar, Cafe Rooseboom, Cafe de Prins, Cafe Brandon, Cafe Nol, Cafe Thijssen, tHuis Aan De Amstel, Cafe de Zon, Spijkerbar, Cafe Vrijdag, De Rijncantine, Cafe Saarein, Bar Botanique, Cafe de Keu, De Zotte & Tap Zuid